Graduated from the course “Stylist/Image Consultant” in 2012.
Working as an assistant shopper with clients in Italy I’ve noticed that people often throw away money, making mistakes when selecting and buying clothes that don’t suit them. I decided that my mission is to not just show a good shop to the client, but to also assemble a proper wardrobe for him or her, because otherwise it is impossible to succeed for any one of us. Therefore I’ve decided to study for a stylist at the Italian School of Fashion and Style.
Education at the School of Fashion and Style gave me a lot of knowledge, because lectures are not only focused on studying theory of colors and history of fashion, but also help to master the method of individual approach to each customer, teach to properly accentuate the beauty and hide deficiencies, create an exclusive image concept. After completing the course, I will continue my education, study the fashion market, and, naturally, continue working with clients.
I already started working with actual clients as a stylist and I feel myself quite confident. And shopping with a professional stylist is beneficial both for your money and time. I’m overjoyed when I hear words of gratitude from my clients, as my goal is to make people happier!!!
Education gave me a lot of knowledge, because lessons are not only focused on studying theory of colors and history of fashion, but also help to master the method of individual approach to each customer