Becoming a Stylist / Image Consultant: Svetlana Rogova’s Story

We’ve met Svetlana during one of the master classes about five years ago. At that time she worked as a lawyer and was in no way becoming a stylist. We’ve exchanged contacts, added each other as friends on social network and it seemed that our acquaintance may end there.


But some time later Svetlana wrote us on social network and inquired about studying for a stylist/image consultant at our fashion school. We’ve replied, and so it all started…

At the beginning it was a simple curiosity about fashion and style and she didn’t know becoming a stylist.

We would like to tell you Svetlana’s story, as it might inspire some of you to change your own lives.

IELFS: How did it happen that you’ve decided to work in the world of fashion and style?

S.: Several years ago I understood something: all people are beautiful, but some wear bad clothes and lack grooming.


I am lucky; my mother always kept an eye on how she looks and dressed up originally, elegantly and with good taste. Many women in our town (I was born outside of Moscow) even took her as an example. Therefore taking care of myself is natural for me, and I believe that every woman shall be well groomed.

However, at some point I realized that I’m getting lost with all the choices in shopping malls, sometimes buy things I totally don’t need, pick something similar to what I already have, while I want something totally different… so as it often happens to a girl, my wardrobe is full, but I have nothing to wear.

Would you like to become a stylist as well? Join our course Wardrobe Stylist & Personal Shopper course here >>>

That’s how I decided that I need to learn the rules of image and becoming a stylist and chose your fashion school, even completed an internship in Milan. Initially I thought that I only study fashion and style for myself.

However, during the education process it became clear to me, that I don’t just want to dress up nicely myself, but want to pass this knowledge on and make other people more beautiful and amazing.

It feels so good, when you see changes and joy in the eyes as a result of your work!


Was it difficult to quit your office job as a lawyer and start working as a stylist?

Yes, I turned down my office job and started working as a stylist/image-consultant.

I’ll be honest: it’s hard to venture upon, to make a thoughtful decision. But when you’ve decided for yourself and you have a clear understanding that you want to do what’s interesting to you, nothing can stop you any longer. I like planning my own time and do what I love for living!

What attracted you so much in a stylist/image consultant profession?

Work of a stylist/image consultant is in a way similar to that of an artist. He sees a canvas, comes up with ideas, makes sketches… and the picture is ready! And every picture is unique and unrepeatable. I like to create a new image every time, create and carry beauty into the world!

Currently it’s mostly women who inquire for my services, including those from other cities; men, unfortunately, are not so frequent, however initially I wanted to offer my stylist services mostly to men.

Today I offer the following services: determination and development of an individual style; determination of a natural zest and picking a color scheme; wardrobe assessment; shopping support; image consulting.


But there are all sorts of inquiries.

For example, today I consulted girls from another town via Skype! I’ll be creating lookbooks for them.

And naturally, I’ve currently started networking in the fashion world. Couple of weeks ago I’ve been to a party dedicated to the opening of a boho showroom in Moscow. I often attend different master classes and workshops.

To sum it up, I’m actively developing myself in the world of fashion.

This is a good example becoming a stylist

Would you like to become a stylist as well? Join our course Wardrobe Stylist & Personal Shopper course here >>>