Online shopping is a very good way to save money because clothes and accessories there are much cheaper, than in shops.
We want to show you 3 methods to save even more money by online shopping.
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1st method: Simple
The easiest way to get a discount in almost every online shop is to find the promo-code on the Internet.
In any search system like Google or Yahoo you write the name of the shop and the words “promo code”.
Example: “Asos – promo code”
You will find specialized discount websites and get a promo code there.
There is a more difficult option – when you look for promo codes on social networks. In this case in search system you add “” to your request.
Example: “Asos – promo code”
And you will find groups of people who share with each other these promo codes.
2nd method: Marketing
If you ever were engaged in online shopping from inside, then you know that one of the owners’ biggest interests is the promotion of their online shops.
Marketing specialists make a lot of efforts to return clients who have left their carts: they offer them discounts or a free delivery.
What do you need to do:
- You create your user account with your e-mail address, you fill your cart with things that you want to buy and you leave this cart without payment for 2-3 days.
- Within these days you check your mail box and almost for sure you get the letter from this online shop like this:
“We saw that you wanted to buy things in our shop, but you did not make a payment for some reason. We want to offer you a discount / a free delivery”
3rd method: Comparative
Big online shops (for example, Amazon does this) use the strategy of overpricing based on what you purchased earlier. In other words you pay a certain price for something, and the online shop recalculates the prices of other things proceeding from your spending capacity (i.e. makes them higher) because now you are considered as a client affording higher prices.
What should you do to avoid overpricing:
- Log out of your account while searching for new things in online shops
- Compare the prices offered specially for you with normal prices