In the last few years the number of statement jewelries increased a lot. Jewelries not only complete the outfit but often are the main part of the look. Statement jewelries are one of the most popular trends nowadays.
How to wear statement jewelries, how to mix them and how to choose colors properly? We asked an Italian stylist, teacher of Italian E-Learning Fashion School to tell you about it in details.
Instagram became a huge part of life for many millions of people in a short period of time. Instagram is a good way of promoting oneself. The world of fashion uses it actively.
There are areas where Instagram is a main platform for promotion. This is an area of fashion blogging. Nowadays fashion bloggers can earn...
Nowadays there are a lot of fashion blogs and people called as fashion bloggers. However, the problem is that the majority of them are unknown. To become a famous fashion blogger is not that simple as people may think.
We would like to introduce Espada Yassine to you. He is a fashion blogger from Morocco and he has his own fashion blog...
Did you believe that the retro era of the 80’s and 90’s was all about loud flashy garments, exaggerated makeup and larger-than-life icons? Reality check – It’s an era that was considerably modern for its times, an era that took ‘fashion’ out of elite clubs, and put it out on the street, and that’s what retro is – it is a lifestyle choice, for many an extension of their inner selves and personality.
They say in the world of fashion that shoes distinguish a real stylish and fashionable person from the one who doesn't understand anything about it. You may have a basic wardrobe but your accessories should always be both well thought-out and original.
So one of the most important accessories in you wardrobe are shoes.
We asked Italian stylists, teachers from our Italian E-Learning Fashion School to tell us in details which shoes are the most stylish this spring/summer season.
Many people dream to work as an image consultant, personal shopper or wardrobe stylist. It is an interesting, well-paid and creative profession that gives people an opportunity to transform their style. Plus, image consultants earn good salaries. However not everyone knows how to become a professional image consultant with a successful business and a big amount of clients.
Today we want to present to you a detailed plan including 10 steps to start working as a stylist or an image maker.
Do you already know which trends will be actual these spring and summer? We asked Italian teachers from our school to explain which stylish clothes are to buy for your wardrobe and which are not worth paying attention to. What are the 5 clothes to buy for your wardrobe this season that you will be able to use not only these spring and summer, but in years because fashion is cyclic. These 5 trends will be actual next winter and spring-summer 2017.
Many people now prefer to read online fashion magazines and blogs for free rather than go out and buy magazines. In Italy, for example, they talk about the print media crisis: European readers prefer online fashion blogs and websites about fashion. In this regard, it is appeared also a new profession in the fashion world - fashion blogger.
The Italian E-Learning Fashion School's team congratulates you with coming New Year!
Some of you we've got to know just recently and with some other of you we've become already old good friends.
It's great that you are interested in fashion and style and keep developing your skills in this creative and so unusual sphere.
Recently, one of our IELFS students, who took the course "Image consultant" asked us to tell more about the rules of personal shopping in inexpensive mass-market stores (such as Bershka, Promod, Zara, H&M, New Yorker, Stardivarius). In these shops clothes are in the large quantity of items but most of them are similar and look cheap.
We will tell you how you can do personal shopping in mass market stores and do not look cheap in that clothes.