What is a Showroom?

In fashion industry people often speak about “showrooms”. So what is showroom? People say that in showrooms you can buy things at low prices and order collections for shops. Sometimes showrooms are mentioned as a sort of private spaces, where only special people are allowed and where fashion shows take place. Some shops call themselves showrooms instead of boutiques.

What is a Fashion Stylist’s Role During a Fashion Shoot?

When you look at photos of models in glossy magazines like Vogue, Cosmo or Elle, you see a result of joint work of the entire team: photographer, model, make-up artist, hairstylist and fashion stylist. Every one of them must be present at the shooting, as he or she is responsible for a specific task. Photographer takes pictures, sets up lighting; model postures; make-up artist applies make-up, hairstylist arranges model’s hair. What’s the stylist’s role here?

Learning to Choose the Right Hairstyle and Shape

Any person, whether he or she follows fashion and style closely, dresses right or wrong, has to take daily care of his or her hair, comb them and fix them in a particular shape. While we can change clothes every day, our hairstyle usually stays the same. We only change it after attending a hair stylist or for special occasions. However, wrong haircut or hairstyle can spoil the most effective look and the most expensive clothing.

How did you become a stylist? Valery Gertz’ Story

Is it difficult to work as a fashion stylist and what’s so interesting about it? V.: Everything that happens on the scene during a photo-shoot is like a miracle for me, an amazing world hidden from the eyes of others. While being surrounded with flashes and equipment, posturing models and make-up artists, I feel myself like a small child, who happened to visit Santa Claus during Christmas! And this excitement never ends, but rather gets stronger with each new project, each new shooting.

Shopping in Italy: planning a trip to Italy

The main difficulty for those going shopping in Italy is selecting a city. There are many opinions, which are often contradictory, which city is best for shopping. As a saying goes, all your geese are swans, therefore those living in Rimini say that you shall go shopping in Rimini. Those living in Milan say that it’s paradise for shopping, and there’s nothing to choose in other places. For your convenience we offer you our guide, based on the experience of personal shoppers ...

How much is a stylist and an image consultant salary?

How well paid are jobs in fashion? How much is image consultant and stylist salary? How much do image consultant and stylist consultants earn? We suggest you take a look at wages in this sphere in Europe, particularly in Italy, one of the fashion trend-setting countries.

Jobs in the fashion industry for a stylist after graduation

First question from everyone graduating from the education of a stylist/image consultant is where to work now and how to apply your knowledge and skills in practice. Some people think that stylists and image consultants consult clients on image and style privately, teach others to become stylists, or at least work as hairstylists/make-up artists in beauty parlors. Therefore, market of services from personal stylists/image consultants is very saturated and there’s a huge competition for private customers.

How to choose a bag to your body type properly?

Handbag is not just a storage place for necessities, but first of all it is an accessory, which substantially distinguishes the taste of a man or a woman. Handbag can change you look completely, either make it fashionable or totally destroy it. Often handbag helps you to correct your body deficiencies or, to the contrary, accentuates on the defects.