How much is a stylist and an image consultant salary?

How well paid are jobs in fashion? How much is image consultant and stylist salary? How much do image consultant and stylist consultants earn? We suggest you take a look at wages in this sphere in Europe, particularly in Italy, one of the fashion trend-setting countries.

Jobs in the fashion industry for a stylist after graduation

First question from everyone graduating from the education of a stylist/image consultant is where to work now and how to apply your knowledge and skills in practice. Some people think that stylists and image consultants consult clients on image and style privately, teach others to become stylists, or at least work as hairstylists/make-up artists in beauty parlors. Therefore, market of services from personal stylists/image consultants is very saturated and there’s a huge competition for private customers.

How to choose a bag to your body type properly?

Handbag is not just a storage place for necessities, but first of all it is an accessory, which substantially distinguishes the taste of a man or a woman. Handbag can change you look completely, either make it fashionable or totally destroy it. Often handbag helps you to correct your body deficiencies or, to the contrary, accentuates on the defects.

What is a Fashion Week: 3 facts you didn’t know about fashion weeks

Soon there will be the most important Fashion Weeks of the upcoming season. But what is a Fashion Week?
Fashion Week is one of key events in the world of fashion.

Most probably, not everyone had a chance to take part in such events, and it would be interesting for you to learn about what it is, and how and when it all happens. Our teachers - Italian stylists will tell you about it in more detail.

How to become an Image Consultant or a Wardrobe Stylist?

Nowadays everyone has heard of such a profession as an image consultant or a stylist. However, very few can be certain of the difference between these two professions. Let's talk then what are the professions of a stylist, personal stylist, an image consultant or an image consultant, and how are they related to the European fashion.

How to look expensive in 2023: best colors

To look expensive and stylish, you do not have to buy new designer clothes. It is enough to choose the right colors for the wardrobe.
The Italian teachers of our fashion school have chosen 7 colors that will make any look more expensive and sophisticated in 2023.

Schedule of the Italian E-Learning Fashion School for the New Year holidays 2022

Due to the holidays, our representative office of the Italian E-Learning Fashion School does not work from December 31 to January 9.
During this period, we will not send feedback on your homework and answer on the applications for courses. Be attentive!

Since January 10, the school will work as usual and will be able to resolve all the issues.